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Our team is composed of seven Executive Members, three Residence Assistants, one Academic Mentor, and one Assistant Don.


We're all here to help, so if you ever have any questions about life in Hunton or at Mount A,

feel free to email or Facebook any of us!


Who’s part of the Executive Team?
The Hunton Executive Team is composed of the President, the Vice-President, two Social Chairs, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Judicial and Appeals Chairs. The first five positions are elected in February by popular vote within the House, while the latter two are chosen by a committee. All members of Exec are tasked with helping the House run smoothly, speaking at and running House meetings, planning events within Hunton and events with other residences, welcoming new students through planned orientation activities, and helping everyone in the House come together as a family. 


What’s an RA? 
Residence Assistants are the law. In Hunton, they are upper-year Huntonites hired directly by the university, serving as, to quote the Housing website, “role models, mediators, and mentors for the house while ensuring that residence policies are followed.” There is one residence assistant assigned to each floor, with the exception of second floor, as the Head RA is typically placed there in order to be in the middle of the house. RAs are always there in case you need someone to talk to, and will help you adjust to the first hectic few weeks of university. 

What’s an Academic Mentor? 
The Ac-Men are your live-in guides to succeeding in university. Making the switch from high school or preparatory school can be a big one, even if you’re feeling confident and/or have already taken university-level classes e.g. within the IB, AP, or A-Level programs. There are two Academic Mentors, one for Sciences and one for Humanities. Each have office hours once a week, but may be available at any time if you need assistance. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! That’s what they’re for!

So the house is run ONLY by the students?
Yes ! However, there is also an in house Don who lives in an apartment connected to the house ! Dons are adults who live in their own apartments in each residence year-round and help make sure the residences are safe and enjoyable places to live. Hunton will be welcoming two new dons this year. Donna Hurley and Scott Brown (pictured below!) have been important members of both the Mount Allison and Sackville communities, and we accept them with open arms. Our Dons will also oversee house meetings and judicial committee matters, and they are there to provide support to anyone who needs it. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can reach our dons at


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